Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Crystals and Indigos

"If anyone is dysfunctional, it's the systems that aren't accommodating the continuing evolution of the human species. If we shame the children with labels, or medicate them into submission, we will have undermined a heaven-sent gift. We will crush a civilization before it has time to take roots." http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/CrystalChildren/id/21350

The majority of the Indigo Children are between eight and thirty years of age. Starting as a trickle some thirty-five years ago, the number of Indigos being born peaked at a high percentage of children born in the 1990’s. Some estimates that indicate that more than ninety percent of the children born in the middle 1990’s were Indigos.

As the 20th Century closed, the Crystals began to rise out of the Indigo evolution. Many children born in that period have a blending of characteristics of both Indigos and Crystals. Many people use the term "Cusp Children" to describe these children. One defining physical characteristic is the color of the aura. The Indigos, as their name implies, often have a dark blue aura. The indigo hue of their aura contrasts with the opalescent coloring of the aura of the Crystal Child.

Whether Crystal or Indigo, these children share a strong sensitivity to many impurities in their external and internal environment which can cause allergies and behavior problems. This sensitivity to environmental issues is especially acute in foods. Chemical additives, pesticides, food coloring, hormones and processed foods should be avoided. Organic foods that are as close to the source as possible help to significantly reduce the impact of food on these highly energetic and sensitive children. The highly purified regimen should also extend to the external environment with good Feng Shui principles and a strong awareness to reduction of exposure to EMF pollution.

These gifted children are a treasure and conscious creation of an environment safe from chemicals and other pollutants is paramount. Additionally, a diet free from wheat, corn and dairy, organic or not, may be of great benefit to these children. These gifted children display common traits as defined by some (listed below) that may indicate that the child is an Indigo.

Sharing many of the clairvoyant and physic abilities of the Indigos, the Crystal Children have not experienced as many conflicts as the Indigos. They have a more loving and peaceful disposition. Generally born since 1995, the Crystals are quite often speech-delayed up to age four.

This characteristic of late speech often leads Crystals to be misdiagnosed as Autistic. A definition of Autistic is someone who does not communicate or connect with others. Although verbally delayed, these delightful children have no difficulty in communicating in non-verbal ways including telepathy. A dramatic increase in the number of autistic diagnosis is an indicator of the flood of the crystal children that are now arriving on the Earth.

In addition to delayed speech, insomnia is common among Crystals. Because they are sensitive to energy, they respond well to various energy healing modalities including 5th dimensional. The combination of a diet free of caffeine, white sugar, and chemicals plus an energy healing modality can greatly reduce insomnia in Crystals. Many Crystals are attracted to meditation, which can be an effective tool in calming the energies of these higher vibrating children. Using Feng Shui principles to reduce the energy in the children’s bedrooms can also be very helpful in creating a peaceful and harmonious rest space for Crystals. Conscious creation of an external and internal environment is a key to allowing these wonderful children to unfold to their potential.

An article written by Diane and Brad Masters on Crystal Children was published in Kansas City Wellness Magazine, August 2005.


This site also provides FAQ's and common characteristics of the Crystal and Indigo children. I knew a bit about these types of generations before but it wasn't until just recently when I heard about a young mother wrongfully assuming her beautiful and intelligent 3 year old daughter who speaks well and learned baby sign at an early age, was autistic that I realized, there is so much that people don't know. Sooo much miseducation, I thought it would be nice to share some of this information for those who are interested. Take it or leave it. And its not just about believing in Crystal children and Indigo children, but more so about thinking outside the system! I have felt for some time now that disorders should be thrown out the window. They have no use for us now other then to make us more sick! Children are not being accepted for who and what they are. ADD, ADHD, and much much more (oh, there is one now for kids who don't go outside enough, Nature Defict Disorder!) are being diagnosed as such, and then numbed with pills. Instead of creating an accommodating environment for those personality types to thrive in. Oh, and I say personality types, because in my opinion it is what some refer to as a "personality". rant rant.... oh and don't even get me started on the school systems!! oops, was that the indigo in me coming out? haha

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