Monday, April 18, 2011

Retro Cafe Processing!

Here are some processing examples on some shots from the Retro Cafe workshop this weekend. I want to thank everyone who attended yesterday, our 3 gorgeous models, the assistant Christian (what a trooper with the pie and apron!) Bill and Sera Jane for helping set up and take down, and Hope for mass amounts of support!! You all made the day so special and memorable. I hope these examples can be useful to you in your vintage style processing. Enjoy!

Vintage wash:

In photoshop CS4

-Open Image in photoshop

- Add new layer  (command+j) or (ctrl+j on windows)

-Image → adjustments → hue/saturation

-set saturation between -50 or -55

- Add new layer  (command+j) or (ctrl+j on windows)

Image → adjustments →photo filter 

- select yellow and set it to 33

- Add new layer  (command+j) or (ctrl+j on windows)

Image → adjustments → curves   add an S curve to add contrast and brightness set to desired amount.

* sometimes I up the lightness in hue/saturation to about a 10 to fade the image a bit, depends on the image.

The was taken using natural lighting from the window

Cheesecake painted style pin-up:

In photoshop CS4

-Open Image in photoshop

- Add new layer  (command+j) or (ctrl+j on windows)

Image → adjustments → curves → pull curve downwards to add contrast (original photo was overexposed and I only did this step to bring the color back into the photo)

- Add new layer  (command+j) or (ctrl+j on windows)

-Image → adjustments → hue/saturation

- adjust saturation to to +25

- Add new layer  (command+j) or (ctrl+j on windows)

- filter →blur→surface blur

-my radius is set to 25 and my threshold is set to 17 -feel free to play around with the levels

-add a mask -at the bottom of your layers palette (square with circle in it) 

- press  (command + i)  (ctrl +i on windows) to invert the mask (the mask should turn from white to black)

-set the opacity on the layers palette to about 60-70 

-select paint brush in the tools palette and paint over the all of the skin and the skin only.

- command + option + shift + e  (ctrl + opt+ shift + e on windows)  to duplicate visible layers

- filter + noise + dust & scratches

- I have my radius at 6 and threshold at 2

- add mask

- invert mask (command + i) or (ctrl + i on windows)

- set the opacity on the layers palette to about 60-70

- select paint brush at a small size 

- zoom in on your image to about 200% 

- brush over any imperfections that were left behind 

command + option + shift + e  (ctrl + opt+ shift + e on windows)

- select your paint brush→ brush opacity at 10-20% → choose white as your foreground

- zoom in on the eyes and paint the whites of the eyes to make them stand out. 

* I decided after I finished the image that I needed to add a little more saturation and contrast
The look is an over saturated smooth look "painted" look

Shot using continuous lights.  

Glam-y Hollywood star black and white:

In photoshop CS4

-Open Image in photoshop

- Add new layer  (command+j) or (ctrl+j on windows)

Image → adjustments → black&white

-in your black and white options: set magenta to -62%  This will make her lipstick stand out
                                                    set red to          34%  This will brighten up the image a bit
                                                    set yellow to    112% This should lighten up the skin

-Add new layer  (command+j) or (ctrl+j on windows)

-Image → adjustments → brightness/contrast

- adjust your brightness to  -12

-Add new layer  (command+j) or (ctrl+j on windows)

Image → adjustments → curves
                                                 -play around with the curves to add contrast

-The look is bright white skin with contrasting details

-I shot this using a bounced flash (off the white wall behind me)

Seedy basement black and whites:

In photoshop CS4

Open your image up in photoshop and add a new layer   - command+j  on a mac
                                                                                        - ctrl+j on windows

-on your new layer go into Image along the top bar. →adjustments → black&white

-in your black and white options - set your reds to 92%   which will lighten up a bit of the details - then set your yellows to 16% which will lighten and pull in a lot of the grain
-push ok

-add a new layer (I use command+j) (ctrl+j on windows)


- put brightness up to 17

-push ok

- add new layer  (command+j) or (ctrl+j on windows)

-Image → adjustments → hue/saturation

-bring the lightness up to +9

 this is where I left it, I like the faded look. However you can add a little bit more contrast if you choose by adding another layer and going Image → adjustments → curves  and playing around with the curves until you get the contrast you desire.

The look is a faded, grainy black and white

I shot this using the natural light from the window

*These specific levels are the exact steps I used when processing these. Feel free to play with the levels that is appropriate on your own photos.


I will post more teasers tomorrow!


Hope Walls said...

love love love <3 lol Did I say thank you yet? If not, I meant to...

Hope said...

love the b/w's all are awesome just the b/w's seem to stick out to me :)

love it when you share